Saturday, August 21, 2010

So, I'm Turning Into Bronco B...

Trixie & I had a fun-filled weekend at The Fringe in ToonTown, & whilst waiting patiently in the audience for Death:Live! {a musical about the impending death of the Angel of Death ~ isn't that a kicker?} to start, I chatted up the lady sitting next to me.  I thought she was a reporter, but nay!  A blogger like myself.  Well, not quite like me.  Cuz she posts waaaay more pics & has a fancy dancy blog & uses real words & such, but she blogs!

We had a friendly chat & exchanged URLs, & I realized, Holy Crapman! Bronco B does this ALL THE TIME!  He talks to strangers in line at the grocery store, whilst feeding the meter, walking down the street, shopping, in restaurants, at campgrounds...

If I had to turn into one of my parents, he just may be the lesser of two evils...

Anyhoo, go see her!  


gigi said...

I don't normally talk to people either (my mom's the chatterbox in our family). Anyway it was nice to meet you and thanks for the shout-out.

Marion said...

How wonderful that you met another blogger. No matter where I go, I have yet to meet, in person, someone who blogs. Possibly, that's because I rarely speak to people I don't know...heh!