Edmonchuk. What a town. The kinda town where someone can a)shop at Ikea & spend $346.36 in less than an hour b)go out for a great meal & be entertained by the bartender & c) win $540.00 at the casino!!
Yes, my friends, my visit to Alberta's fair city {HAHAHAHA! Aidez-moi. Oh, that was great, I needed that.} was a fab success, as always.
Velvis & Bear were the perfect hosts, driving me to all sorts of places to do all sorts of things. They not only stocked up on my "special needs diet food", but also phoned around to various scooter dealers to see if there was a used one in stock. Lurve them!
Our adventure began with a near-death experience on the highway. Wilma, as usual, was fiddling with the radio dial & looked up to find a car coming my way passing a semi RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Luckily, due to my lightning-fast reflexes & quick, agile mind, I was able to squeal & swerve out of the way to narrowly avoid a head-on collision. Note to Peanut: This was not my fault. He was in my lane & passing when the way was not clear. Just an FYI.
Our adventure continued into Edmonchuk, where massive road re-construction left me baffled as to where I was supposed to go. My directions, long-ago procured from Velvis, were now out-of-date. Luckily, I safely & correctly deduced the right way to go {I followed the most traffic} & made it to Casa VelBear, where I unloaded & parked the Wilmamobile for the weekend.
The rest of the weekend went thusly:
- Bear & I chatted & had beers.
- Velvis came home from work, we headed out to Ikea to spend, spend, spend!
- Went to OPM for a late supper. Spent 30-45 minutes in the lounge, chatting, eating appees & watching the bartender do his best 'Cocktail' imitation {he was good}, then gorged on some fabulous upscale Asian food. Yum, yum, YUM! I don't even remember what the hell I had ~ salmon, mayhaps? ~ but it was wonderful. So was the chocolate martini x 2 I threw down my gullet.
- Up early Saturday {yes, for real, I was up & ready before lazy butt Velvis was out of bed.} Had a fab breakfast, then off to SHOPPING! Spent $210 on new clothes & essentials that I needed after Closet Cleanse 2008, saving a whopping $100 cuz of sales. I lurve Reitmans. I really, really do. Also managed to pick up a couple things at Pennington's. I am thisclose to striking off everything on my list. I'm very proud of me.
- Lunch! & Drinks! Yay!
- Horse races at Northlands. Velvis & I were pleasantly surprised to find Harness Racing this trip. We did even better than last time, managing to make money on the races. Yes, we did. We spent a total of $106 betting on the races, & collectively won $112. We are freakin' amazing! If you want to know our system, send $25 to me & I'll let you in on our secret gambling success secrets.
- In between races, we drank $5 beer & played the slots. Wilma came out a big winner, making $540 smackeroos {that's 2160 credits, FYI} on a game that I can't even remember what it's called! After I won, the vultures swarmed to find out what I'd won. Seriously, what do strangers care what I've won? Some old dude came up & started telling me about how he'd just been playing that machine & blaah, blaah, blaah it wasn't paying off for him. So, I said "I guess you stopped playing too early, then." Like I care that he played on that machine! Go away, vultures! Velvis came by & saved me from further "discussions".
- Off home to get ready for supper at my fav spot, Lazia ~ although OPM is neck-in-neck now. One Mango Margarita, one glass of wine, appees & a Tandori Basa Whitefish with coconut rice later, we took our desserts home {OMG how yummy!} to get into our jam-jams & play Wii. My first Wii experience. Very fun, but I was stiff & sore in the arm & shoulder for days. I am so out of shape.
- Up early Sunday to attend the place-where-Velvis-worships & watch her ding-a-ling her bells. Musical service {my fav!} with two vocal choirs, the bell choir & lots of hymns.
- A quick stop at Giant Tiger proved fruitful as I picked up my fav buy of the weekend, a gorgeous sundress that makes me look amazing. Oh, & Betty Boop jammies. You can nevah, evah own too many Betty Boop jammies.
- Then lunch, more laughs & visiting & off home.
- I did have to stop & take a pic of the Liquor Store in Ryly, Alberta. Yes, boys & girls, you are correct. That is an Atco trailer with a hand-painted sign, wedged in-between a gas station & a propane tank. Classy!
I can't thank my good friends, Velvis & Bear, enough for the wonderful weekend. Laughter, fun, casino money, shopping, good eats, good treats, good times.
you know you are ALWAYS welcome, Bear & I love your company.
(but next time I get to have the people swarming k--It is my turn to do the $500 dance.)
love yah
We never seem to do a dance, though. We're always too stunned to move!
I wrote down the addresses for the rest-o-raunts that you listed. Gonna try it out.
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