Since we're such LA experts now ~ well, really, we're almost LA natives by this time {I mean really, we have been there 3 times} ~ we have come to know some people. We also, being slightly outgoing & moderately loud & obnoxious, meet people everywhere we go.
Old Friends:
- Sarah at Clafoutis Restaurant. She has the most amazing memory of any waitress I've ever met. We go there every year, & every year she knows us. Like, really KNOWS us. Knows we're from Canada. Knows we come down once a year. Asks us how our excursions went. She's awesome.
- Balding guy at the Sunset Plaza Hotel. Well, he's not really a friend. More of a stupid man that we can't stand. He's the one that took 2 hours to accept our Best Western gift cards on our first trip, & couldn't figure out how to settle our bill the night before we left since "the charges aren't on the account yet cuz you haven't stayed the night yet". Moron.
New Acquaintances:
- The Tan Man ~ when we were finished shopping at the Outlet Mall {did I mention how freakin' much I lurve the Outlet Mall? Oh, I did? Just checking} Peanut & I were doing "on-the-spot reporting analysis" of the shopping that we did. The Tan Man was sitting his car next to ours laughing at us, but when I invited him to be interviewed, he rolled up his window. We chatted with him a bit {off-camera, what a wus} & he told us he owns a spray-on tan salon. He tried to convince us to go & get sprayed. He said he would give us a good discount. I refused, as I did not want to go to Spago looking like a Oompa Loompa.
- Calamity Jane ~ met her by the pool at our hotel. Since "calamity" was our word de trip, it was only fitting that we should nickname her this as she had endured such an unfortunate set of circumstances. Her boyfriend had beat her up {at the hotel}, took all her money, & left. The hotel had locked her out of her room {all her stuff inside, including her cell phone, although she did have her purse & cigarettes, so that was a blessing} until she could come up with some cash. Her boob kept falling out of her dress {no lie!}. Poor Jane. Peanut let her use his cell phone to call her aunt for money.
- Margarite ~ waitress at Spago. She was great, very helpful & full of advice.
- The Cacklers ~ 2 incredibly stupid women talking louder than us {the nerve!} by the pool about whatever. Something to do with hummingbirds piggy-backing on ducks to get north for the summer? They were wack-jobs.
Did I miss anyone? I'm sure Peanut will tell me.
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