We're always asked when we get back from the annual Three Musketeer LA Adventure "Who did you see? Did you meet anyone famous?" & usually we have an answer, cuz famous people are just wandering around loose everywhere in that town! Seriously! Someone forgets the lock their cages & they just walk around town free.
So, this year, we saw/met 2 famous people.
While at Spago, this man
came up to us, asked us how everything was & put his hand on Hussy's shoulder while he said it. She almost needed her nebulizer! Apparently, Wolfgang Puck {that's who that is, for those of you not in the know} comes out at least once a night to do a quick round & see how the patrons are.
One day, as we lay by the pool suntanning, this man came out onto the balcony of the lobby {weird hotel, lobby on 2nd floor, pool on 1st} & was talking to friends & standing around. Hussy noticed him first & said "Hey you guys, is that? No. Can't be. It sure looks like..." Peanut & I looked & said "Yes, it is!"
The legendary, the infamous, the {some say} talented... The Hedgehog Ron Jeremy! Staying at our hotel. This would explain a lot, as we witnessed a, shall we say, 'adult scene' being played out on the balcony across from ours {girl in a thong, not alone, etc, etc, you get the picture}. Also, there were several other adult film stars wandering around the pool area, consulting their "scripts" {something written on a post-it} & meeting each other. We also witnessed a scene being filmed right in front of us by the pool area. Don't panic, it was one of those "filler" scenes, where people are fully clothed & talk & other such stuff.
The Cacklers tried to get his photo {we weren't that crass, besides he's not pretty & I've seen more than enough of him, thank you very much} & said to us "Does this make us all perverts that we know who he is?" Of course it doesn't, as he is a legitimate actor now, having been seen in such classics as "The Surreal Life", "Reindeer Games" & "Detroit Rock City".
That's the end of this report, & all LA 2007 reports. Thank you, & goodbye for now!
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