Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yesterday's Adventures Pt. 2

On the road to the Crooked Bush ~ okay, I'll admit, the name cracked me up all afternoon ~ you pass a little churchyard/graveyard. Now, I don't want you all to think that I'm getting all morbid or anything, but we did stop and take some photos. This may be that last graveyard pics I post for a while, so as not to creep you all out.

"St. Mary's Anglican Church 1909"


Oh Joy said...

Being the morbid freak of nature I am I enjoy a good cemetary photo.

Wilma said...

Oh good! I'm so glad I'm not the only one.
There's something about the way the light hits the gravestones...

Oh Joy said...

I like to read obituaries.

Wilma said...

I'm more of a "Court News" gal myself, although I do like to scan the obits to see if I can figure out what they died from.

Oh Joy said...

Ditto. It's good to know the leading cause of death per week.