Monday, September 19, 2011

TV? What's That?

Did you know you can watch TV shows on your computer?  Huh, didja?

Oh, you did?  Why am I always the last to know everything?

I was busy this evening with paperwork ~ yes, I don't understand how someone with 2 casual crap jobs ends up with 3 volunteer positions filled with meetings & paperwork, but there you go.  That's my lot in life {le sigh}.  So I missed the big debut of Ashton Krutcher on 2 1/2 Men.  Woe is me.  I'll watch it tomorrow.  Or not at all.  I miss Charlie....

Last night was a shit night for sleep.  I am refinishing a piece of furniture in the garage & needed to put a second coat on today as the garage door man is coming tomorrow to fiddle-fart around putting the new overhead door in, & I had big, grandiose plans of getting up at 7 AM & getting busy with the brush before work. 


Ok.  I've calmed down.  But I really did have these plans.  I had my alarm set & everything!  Then, I had an absolute shit night, complete with headache, back ache, leg ache, & 2 annoying visits from Princess Diva. Oh, let's not mention the 2 trips to the bathroom {stoopid tea!} & the persistent glow from the laptop cord.

Needless to  say, I didn't just hit the snooze this morning.  Nope.  I reprogrammed the alarm completely to attempt to get the sleep I desperately needed to face:

  • work
  • place-where-I-worship board meeting
  • Oldsters sing-song
  • 2 play rehearsals
  • reviewing financial reports
Ugh.  My brain hurts just thinking about it.  

I bailed on work this afternoon after the sing-song, came home and wielded the brush like the trooper/home decorator that I am.  1 rehearsal was cancelled due to illness, & I did manage to get the most pressing financial reports read.

My bed is calling me.  What's it saying?  "Avast, ye scurvey dog!  Get thee to bed, wench, & shiver me timbers!"

This man, this Doug Savage of  He's a freakin' genius.   YAR!

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day.

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