Here they are, in all their glory, back in the days of yore when Bronco B had hair & Conrad rawked the cat eye glasses.
I still think I was switched at the hospital...
Here they are, in all their glory, back in the days of yore when Bronco B had hair & Conrad rawked the cat eye glasses.
& That's A Fact Says
4:24 pm
Labels: The Fam Damily
Please don't steal from Wilma. She'll have a Death Bed Moment on your face!
That is a fab photo. Your parents are really beautiful people; they have great structure.
I dunno, your dad looks like a cross between Harry Connick Jr. & Kevin Costner and your mom looks like Julia Ormond in Sabrina. Sweet.
Cool picture of your parents! Your mom's dress looks like the bridesmaid dress I wore when I was 13 only it had capped sleeves and was aqua colored. Same high heels veil ;) I felt so dressed up...:)
Christine - they are kinda cute, aren't they? I never think about it, cuz they're just my Hobbits.
Queenie - her dress cost $25. A big, big splurge for the wedding in 1963. Mine, 43 years later, cost $45... I'm El Cheapo!
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