Friday, October 23, 2009

283 of 365

1. Packed & ready to go on an Adventure.

2. I'm really, really liking my hair colour right now. Hopefully, I remember which one it was when it comes time to do it again.

3. Casual day at work.

4. Gift cupboard slowly filling. I may be prepared for Christmas on schedule. Maybe.

5. Big laughs with Pebbles via phone call tonight. Felt good.

OH! A huge grace today ~ Chez Wilma was not one of the reported ELEVEN homes burgled last night in Dodge, some of which were on my block.

Clawing my way to happiness through 365 Days Of Grace.

1 comment:

Roan said...

I'm liking my new hair color, too. My 'girl' wrote down the info so she can hit it again. Glad to hear your home is safe.