Thursday, September 25, 2008

Favourite Things Thursday ~ Grandparents

As I may have mentioned before, I had 7 grandparents when I was born. I've done a lot of research {I've talked to 4 people} & apparently this is unusual. I was blessed to have known all these people, some for a short time, others my whole life & counting.

So, here they are, the people who spawned the people who spawned the people who spawned me... wait, does that make sense? Oh, hell, whatever. Here's some pics of my grandparents.

MIA is one great-grandmother ~ I must track down a pic of her sometime. Isn't it funny how some things become so important so late in life?

These are the people who I adore, remaining blind to their faults & cherishing the memories of those who have passed on. I am who I am because of them. & I lurve them all.

The Greats...

The Grands...

Favourite Things Thursday is hosted by Blue.


Nydia said...

Oh, you were truly blessed to ave all this set of good grandparents around you! These photos are adorable, congratulations!
I only met my mother's parents, and they were very special and kind to my heart as well, so I know what you mean! :o)

Kisses from Nydia.

french panic said...

I love these pictures.