Friday, March 30, 2007

Top 6 Lessons I Learned This Spring

For the first time since 1994, I am not involved in the Dodge Theatre Group's production this spring. I am, in fact, doing nothing at all with the group. Oh, I've answered a couple questions but that was the extent of my involvement.

I found that my life was starting to be taken over by the commitments & duties that I had taken on. I found that it was starting to be a chore to attend rehearsals. I found I was dreaming about things to do with the group. I found that I was lying awake nights making lists of things not to forget to do. For these reasons & more, I found that it wasn't that much fun anymore. Not exactly what you look for in a extra-curricular activity.

As a result, I decided that I needed {for my own personal sanity, for the health of my relationship with PK, & for the health of the group} to take a step away ~ to let others take over the duties that I had held ~ to rejuvenate myself & remind myself of why I got involved in the first place.

Oh, I had plans! I had big plans for all the free time I was going to have. Didn't do any of them. But they will keep. I did learn a little something about myself in the process. Here's a sampling:

6. I am really happy being alone.
5. If I don't have a reason to leave the house, I won't. Hermitting is a way of life that I enjoy, mayhaps too much at times.
4. My control-freak nature was out of control & desperately needed reining in.
3. I do miss the Group & will be back, but only in a limited role or I will find myself right back where I was before, & this self-imposed exile will be all for naught.
2. People seem to only relate to me through my involvement in Theatre. That needs to be addressed.
1. I am looking forward to being an audience member this weekend.

I heard from someone who attended last night that the show is good. I am anticipating laughing & cheering my friends on, & will mayhaps enjoy a glass or 3 of wine as well.

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