So, computer still broken, waiting patiently for computer guru to clear us some time in his schedule. Life gets busy when you work full-time, have two young children & just spent 8 days away from home ~ so we're very understanding here at Chez Wilma, & will be very grateful to Fritzy when he comes over. There may be a couple drinks included as payment.
The dress rehearsal for our festival play went very well last night. Got laughs, applause & accolades so am happy. PK liked it, too! It's always a little nerve wracking when you are involved in the writing ~ will they like it? Will they get the jokes? Will they laugh? So we perform tomorrow at an event that isn't even CLOSE to being sold out. I don't know why I stress about everything in my life, but I worry that they won't have enough money to pay us.
Everyone out there, let people know that they should be attending the event tomorrow night, & get tickets now. RIGHT NOW! Go, get up from your desk & run, yes RUN to Dodge Town Office to get tickets for you & 7 of your friends {might as well buy a whole table, right?} so that us poor thespians can pay our hotel bill in Slow Stream.
Would if I could but distance prevents. Brake a a leg...
"my sister, my brother, my ..." Those were the days, break a leg and you will do well as usual!!
Hoping to go to Dodge, Nov 10.
So will miss play in Slow Stream.
Want to house sit ?
Chef provided
Break a leg
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