One year.
It's been one year since a smoking tobacco product of any kind has touched my lips.
That's approximately 75 packs of smokes, 1875 cigarettes, & $937.50.
One year since Hussy & I made a bet ~ me to quit smoking, She to quit biting her nails. The stakes? An expensive purse. & my pride. Cuz I hates to lose a bet, yes I do! We've agreed that this is a life-long bet, meaning whoever caves first loses. It's a good thing we're such good friends & we trust each other since we live 2 hours apart & can't check up on the other one!
I miss it every day. I still dream about it sometimes.
Sometimes, when I'm craving, I'll stand beside a smoker & get a little whiff of their burning cigarette. That's pretty sweet.
I will forever be a smoker who doesn't smoke. I will continue to champion the rights of the smoker.
But I will not crack. I'm stubborn that way.
Hubby quit smoking almost 3 years ago, and then started sneaking out to his workshop for one, and then two. I told him to stop sneaking, I wasn't his mother. And then last October he got sick. It put the fear in him and he hasn't had a cigarette since. Good for you! and good for him! I quit 13 years ago, but still enjoy standing beside that smoker for a fragrant fix. ;)
I like the smell of a burning cigarette. My dad smoked in the house while I was growing up, and my grandfather in his house where I spent many happy hours, so I think it's a comfort smell, for me!
Can't say I enjou the smell on people's breath or clothing though ... now that I haven't smoked cigarettes for 30 years, their residue seems stinky.
I remember years ago when I quit, I always loved being around people when they were smoking; the smell seemed to comfort and not tempt me. I am a closet smoker now. I don't smoke often, but only a handful of people even know I do.
I should just give it up.
congrats on your year!!
Which reminds me, we still have to by each other's purses!!!
this is very impressive. may i please borrow some of your willpower so i can stop shoving random bits of terribly fattening food down my gullet?
You go girl! You even made it through theater time...;}
Good for both of you! Wished PoD could quit...but that's her choice. I would be a smoker myself if it wasn't for the fact that I'm allergic...;}
I'm routing for yah both!
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