Thursday, May 14, 2009

134 of 365

1. Gravol.

2. Wine with lunch.

3. Eyesight hasn't changed much in two years ~ no new glasses or threat of more laser surgery yet!

4. Produce section of Superstore. How do people do it? I was overwhelmed by the choices & in awe of the selection. They carried Durian of all things!

5. Perdue Co-op Gas station. Every time I stop there {often} I see someone I know. & the people are so friendly! & the washrooms are clean!

Clawing my way to happiness through 365 Days Of Grace.


velvis said...

Is the Perdue Co-op as friendly as the Wainwright Petro????


Wilma said...

Nothing is as friendly as the Wainwright Petro!

Queen of Halloween said...

My favorite pit stop...:) You & Puffy have a great long weekend!