I just realized, boys & girls, that I've been awfully obsessive with the DeathCold lately, & more than a little depressive. I shall endeavour to be more positive.
Let's see...
Still sick. BUT I think I see light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe. Last night, I didn't wake up with a coughing fit once, not ONCE!
The rain yesterday ~ & what a rain ~ has caused a great amount of happiness in the bird population at Chez Wilma, which sounds quite cheery.
The DemonSpawn is outside happily stalking any number of them right now.
Puffy is puttering away doing who knows what outside {I can assure you, even without looking, that he's not doing any weeding}.
I plan to shower {yes!} & actually put on clothes for the 2nd day in a row {crazay!} & after that, if I have any energy left, I may sit outside for a bit like a convalescent & get some fresh air.
I think I'd feel much better if my ears weren't plugged & I could breathe without threat of coughing.
So... that's as positive as I can be today, so here's a pic to make you smile

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