Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weigh Day Part Deux - Day 1 & 2

......& they're off!

The beginning of The New Bet {same stakes as last time} started last week with our initial weigh day. Both of us did not have a very good time off, as we both regained almost all of what we lost. I blame Spago. Damn that Wolfgang!

So I started out last week at y, {y=x-1}. I was a little disappointed that I was starting from the beginning again, but I only have myself to blame. I don't exercise, & diet can only take you so far.

So today is the first of 6 weigh days until the end of The New Bet & I am at y-2. Don't ask me how this happened ~ I ate a whole bag of cheezie puffs ~ I'm sure it will fluctuate madly in the other direction next week.

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