Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Squalling Child Not Condusive To Relaxing

Had a dental appointment today to adjust the fit of my new appliance {yes, I am now a kitchen gadget!}. Part of the process includes being hooked up to an electric pulse machine, lying back on a reclining chair covered in a blankie, lights out, & being told to "relax". I would have loved to comply, as relaxing is my favourite pasttime and I'm really very good at it.

Next door, a little pisher was getting an infected tooth pulled. At least, I think it was infected since I eavesdropped a little on the pisher's mother & dental staff discussing antibiotics, doctor's visits, etc. It wasn't the pulling of the tooth that encouraged her to wail, sob, & yell at full volume, thus destroying my beauty rest. Nay, it was the freezing injection.

Now, I can sympathize. I detest needles of any kind, especially ones in the mouth because it feels like they are actually scraping the tip of the needle against the root on purpose for their own sick & twisted S&M amusement, so I totally get why she was crying, sobbing, wailing & saying "No, stop!". What I don't get {and here is where my childfree state becomes apparent} is why the wailing, sobbing, & crying didn't stop. Evah. It carried on for the length of my "rest" (45 minutes, BTW), through the freezing process, during the "rest" period to "calm her down" ~ didn't work, BTW ~ while the tooth was being pulled, right on through to the discussion between mother/dental staff on care of gaping hole in her mouth.

Children. There's just no reasoning with them. She'll probably never sit in a dentist's chair again, & end up looking like this....


Oh Joy said...

That could be the most disgusting picture I have ever seen. Ever.

Wilma said...

Do you think it's been retouched? I just can't for the life of me imagine letting my mouth get in such a state.

Shorty said...

I have had bad experiances with dentest and i hate going there but i go there if i need stuff done. I agree needles in the mouth suck. Should check out my pic on the blog, is creepy!

Oh Joy said...

I truly want to believe that it's re-touched. Truly I do. Is there any way to save teeth in that condition? You'd think they'd have to just pull them all out. Yuck. It's just awful.

Mystique said...

hey wilma check out the Queen of Halloween has jumped on the blogging band wagon!