Sunday, July 09, 2006

Top 6 Products I Recommend

These are 6 things I can not live without. Try them, you'll be hooked too!
In no particular order:

6. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser ~ removes furniture marks, cleans lawn chairs, and wipes away little pink chalk handmarks off the wall with ease.
5. Tide To Go Pen ~ carry it in your purse for clothing spillage emergencies {strawberry jam, red wine, pesky blood stains...}
4. Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer ~ for a healthy, natural summer glow without the orange. Or the cancer.
3. Clinique Super Defense Triple Action Moisturizer SPF 25 ~ makes your face softer than silk, combats wrinkles and, again, keeps the cancer away.
2. Body Shop Exfoliating Gloves ~ scrubs your skin until it glows red! Prevent ingrown hairs, and readies your skin for a generous application of #4.
1. Redken All Soft Shampoo & Conditioner ~ cures static, fly-away hair and makes it super soft.

Get shopping!


flibirdijibit said...

this is hilarious! where OH where would little pink chalk marks come from me wonders? where OH where?

Wilma said...

I know!! It's a total mystery. Methinks the leprecaun that lives under the spare bed went out for a stroll one night.

It's the only possible explanation.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!