Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Super-Genius!

So Wilma turned the big 35 today.

And all the boys and girls who are most precious, most important to me remembered. Thank you all for phoning, emailing, and drinking with me today.

Red wine ~
the root of...
the cause of...
the reason for...
the solution to...
All my problems.

Note to self: never post on blog while inebriated.

Also good advice ~ never hold a baby after 4 glasses of above.


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great day. Sorry didn't get a chance to phone you but hope you got your gift and your email, wishing you a happy birthday.
Wish I could have been there to drink wine with you because girly "I have 3 words for you"

Wilma said...

I should edit this post to say "Most of the boys and girls who are most precious..."

Never, never, EVER blog after drinking red wine.

flibirdijibit said...

Awww.... I'm Preshus! You can hold my baby..... she's used to it.

T'was a great birthday party! Have to remedy the 'martini scandal' though!

Wilma said...

YES! Why were there no martinis?

The hostest with the mostest has fallen scandalously short of the mark as of late. Must fix with a martini night.

Although I did manage to choke one down today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilma,

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Sorry I didn't email, I meant to, but I was trying to get over turning 35 (or halfway-to-70) the day before. Happy Belated Birthday.

da Newf

Wilma said...

Hey! I was thinking of you, being SOOOO much older than I and all, and completely forgot to wish you a Happy Half-Way-to-70!
So Happy Late Birthday